About Buywell Group - Our Story and Mission.

About Us

Forever it has been the
Australian Dream.


A white picket fence bounding a quarter acre block in the suburbs. Your own slice of the pie. Home ownership has been inextricably etched into the Australian psyche for as long as any of us can remember. We all have memories of our Grandmother’s musty crochets slouched over the arms of her sofa, of making tea with Poppy in the kitchen, the smell of dinner almost ready, of playing cricket in the backyard. We all have memories of ‘home’. These days the blocks may be smaller and the prices, staggering; but the overwhelming presence of Aussies ‘on the market’ today is further proof that ‘the Dream’ is alive and well. ‘Home’ is a part of our countries DNA, it’s in our anthem! At Buywell, we aren’t just in search of property. We are finding spaces for these memories to take shape. We share this countries great passion for property. It’s with great pleasure we share it with our clients and become part of your very first memories of home.




Tim Gaynor
Owner/ Director

Tim has spent the majority of his career as a private banker, servicing high net-worth clients, medical & dental specialists. He has developed a profound respect for his specialist clients & deep understanding for the demands of their working lives. Tim has helped thousands of clients finance new medical practices, family homes & property investments over the years. His passion for property would always permeate these working relationships at the bank, which sent him on a new path both personally & professionally. Tim has personally bought, renovated & sold property for the last 10 years. His deep personal understanding of equity, debt leverage, finance & property, add another dimension to what he can achieve with his clients.

Good advice goes a long way.

Born in Wagga Wagga & raised between the Gold Coast & Noosa, Tim is well versed in all the micro markets in between. Tim is sports mad and a true property fanatic. So, when he’s not at work you will probably find him at a sporting match or may still find him at an open home.


Maddison Bonner
Owner / Director

Maddison has spent the last 15 years curating invaluable knowledge that she uses to help people make good property decisions. She started her career as a teenager in local Agencies learning the inner workings of a sales office. From there, Maddison moved to New York & honed her craft as a Buyer’s Agent & worked within the property valuation space. Upon her return to Australia, Maddison spent time in construction and development for reputable mid & top tier companies earning a deep understanding of these key processes in the property industry. Maddison has also established & sold multiple successful rent rolls, adding another dimension to her experience that deeply benefits her investors.

Property has been in my family for four generations. I have seen how purchasing good property can change your life. I have felt it.

Born in Tugun, Gold Coast & raised between the Gold Coast & Brisbane, Maddison has a deep understanding of these markets and services everything in between. Maddison is an avid cyclist & runner. When she’s not at work you will find her adventuring by the sea or in the mountains.

 Book an obligation free consultation with one of our agents now!